Located 2 miles south of Coldwater, Ohio, on St. Rt. 118 to Philothea Rd. then west 1-l/2 miles to the village of Philothea on


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Saturday, May 3, 2003

10:00 A.M.


Antiques - Household:

2 stack bookcases; oak dresser w/ bevel glass mirror; 2 rockers; extension dining room table w/ 6 chairs w/ 2 matching buffets; china hutch; kitchen table w/ 4 chairs; hall tree; treadle sewing machine; 4 pc. & 3 pc bedroom suites; Maytag washer & dryer; G.E. refrigerator; Whirlpool 30" range; cast iron skillets; chalkboards; desk; 3 air conditioners; chairs; endtables; coffee table; lamps; steel wardrobe; shelving; telephone stand; 2 sets china; linens; doiles; pictures; crocks; canners; dishes; video equipment; books; blankets; Tandy computor; kerosene lamp; dehumidifier; lawn chairs; elec typewriter; speakers; garden tools; also misc. items;



2 story, 4 bedroom frame home w/ 2 baths, kitchen, dining room, family room, office, utility room, front foyer (Priest’s house).  Home is being sold to be moved at the buyer’s expense.  The buyer must have proof of liability insurance. Home will be offered at auction right after sale of personal property.  For more information call Rick Hemmelgarn - 419-678-8188.                                                                                               


Terms: Cash                                  Lunch Served                            Not responsible for Accidents


St. Mary’s Catholic Church (Philothea)

Rev. Ron Wilker, Pastor


Sale Conducted by



Rick Uhlenhake            419-678-8119

Brenda Schwieterman  419-925-4584                                                                                                                                                                                                

Ernie Kuess, Clerk